Home > Networth up slightly

Networth up slightly

November 1st, 2009 at 09:59 pm

Once a year I have to complete my husband's building license renewal for the state of North Carolina. Even tho we live in Georgia, N.C. is only 10 miles away and he has built houses there also.
N.C. requires you to turn in a financial statement to prove your net worth.
When I first joined this site, I discovered networthiq, so I pretty much do my net worth every month. That made doing the renewal pretty easy.
Our networth did go up slightly, but we are not saving nearly as much as we did in previous years. I have to blame this on the economy. My dh is just not working as many hours as he use to. He only has one house going now, as opposed to two or three.
However, I am just grateful that he has work at all and even small amounts of savings are better than none at all.

3 Responses to “Networth up slightly”

  1. LuxLiving Says:

    Calculating mine now. While figuring ours today I recalled something I had been leaving out - the valuation on our burial plots. Yep, you can check them online nowdays, although I'm also going to call the cemetery (funeral home on site)tomorrow, and double check what they're selling for now out of their office. The ones online are pretty much individuals wanting to sell.

    They are up considerably from what we paid for ours way back when.

  2. Ima saver Says:

    Really, I have two cemetary plots that my mother left to me and I can't find anyone who can tell me how to sell them. My mother paid $25 each for them in 1954 and they are in central Florida. (DeLand) Wish I was good on a computer.

  3. LuxLiving Says:

    Can you google? I input in the search bar "Value burial plots" and several sites up at the top look like they can help you in understanding how to go about selling them.

    We might sell ours too - depending on whether we decide to stay in this area. For now they are in the nearby metro town, but we live about 6 blocks from a very nice one here. If we stay put, I'd like to sell the ones we have in the city and buy here. Since we're contemplating at least one more move? I'm waiting to sell.

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