Home > Had a wonderful christmas!

Had a wonderful christmas!

December 26th, 2008 at 09:56 pm

We had a wonderful quiet christmas here. The weather was perfect, sunny and about 60. we ate all day, including most of the cookies that I made. My "check" came in on christmas eve, so I transfered that plus the $59 in interest that I made in the business checking account over to my savings, for the $20 challenge.
Prev. total $24,749.00
today 610.00
new total $25,359.00

Ho Ho Ho!!!!!!!!

4 Responses to “Had a wonderful christmas!”

  1. Amber Says:

    Glad you had a nice holiday...any more Elvis goodies?

  2. Wonderlake653 Says:

    I was totally rooting for you to reach the 25K mark on the $20 challenge - muchas congratulations!!! That is totally awesome. I am going to cheer you onto $30K next year! Go Ima Go!

  3. Ima saver Says:

    Yes Amber, lots of elvis goodies. I got a light display box of elvis to put in "his" room, an elvis Bobble head doll, an elvis dash board thing for my car and a lighted elvis purse.

  4. Amber Says:

    lol, Ima now I know you are really a die hard Elvis fan Big Grin

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