Home > I wrapped my presents today.

I wrapped my presents today.

December 19th, 2008 at 08:09 pm

Well, actually, I just gift bagged them, so it didn't take much time at all. I don't even write on the tags. They are all for dh and I put his on one side of the tree and mine on the other side.
We have really cut down over the years cause we just don't need anything. I did have a throw blanket made for his yellow vette. It has a picture of our house with the yellow vette parked in front. We keep these throws in the back part of the vettes to keep the carpet very clean. My throw is of elvis, but I got him something personal.
Yesterday, I had a no use gas day and won 3 games of mah jong, so I have $5 to add to my challenge money.
Prev. total $24,726.00
today 5.00
new total $24,731.00

4 Responses to “I wrapped my presents today.”

  1. Amber Says:

    Wow I have not not purchased 1 gift, I am just not in the mood

  2. fern Says:

    i have 3 more gfits to wrap today and then i'm done.

  3. Aleta Says:

    We more or less celebrated Xmas and the dinner on the 12th of this month when my son, his wife and 2 granddaughters came down. It is sort of unique in a way because we're just relaxing a bit more now and tidying up the rest of the year book work.

  4. sicilyyoder Says:

    I took you idea, and gift-bagged all of my gifts yeaterday. It was so much easier. I got mos tof my gift bags at Dollar Tree- they had the coolest bags for only $1.00 each.

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