Home > Snow in October??

Snow in October??

October 29th, 2008 at 01:58 pm

Yesterday morning, it snowed. I have lived in the mountains of North Georgia a long time, but I have never seen snow in October? We usually don't get anything til around christmas. It is been below freezing every morning this week. It is 31 degrees right now. I am trying so hard to hold out til Halloween to turn on my heat.
The stock market had a good day yesterday and I had a no use gas day, so I will add $3 to my challenge money.
Prev. total $21,929.00
today 3.00
new total $21,932.00

5 Responses to “Snow in October??”

  1. gruntina Says:

    I remember when I was growing up in Montana, it was common for it to snow a little in October.

  2. princessperky Says:

    I saw the forecast, snow in the mountains, and thought of you. Hope that isn't 31 in the house!

  3. Analise Says:

    You are definitely a trooper to keep from turning on the heat. I still have not turned on my heater, but we're still having some days in the high 60s, so it's mild here compared to where you are. Do you have a wood-burning fireplace?

  4. Ima saver Says:

    No, no wood burning stove, nothing back up at all.

  5. Petunia Says:

    Brrr. It always seems like a longer winter when it snows in October.

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