Home > My handy man is working!!

My handy man is working!!

October 19th, 2008 at 08:24 pm

I have my own private handy man working today. A few days ago, we discovered that we had a leak in the wall behind the refrigerator,probably going to the ice maker. Dh cut the line and capped it. Today, he came home early from work to try and repair the damage. Right now, he is tearing off the trim on the wall behind the refrigerator.
He thinks it has been leaking for a while. We had a problem on christmas day last year. The water line ends right here in my yard, for the whole subdivison. Last christmas day, it blew up. It caused several problems for us with a leaking problem in the upstairs bath room. I wonder if this is the cause of this problem?
Anyway, it sure is nice to be married to a man that can do "almost" everything.(and it saves a lot of money)

4 Responses to “My handy man is working!!”

  1. SicilyYoder Says:


  2. Analise Says:

    You are definitely one lucky lady!

  3. baselle Says:

    Fantastic! Its one thing I haven't a clue about. Does your handyman have any tips for us?

  4. HELPmeFind Says:

    Not to mention how hot they are when they are working. Then you take them a glass of water, asking if he needs a break, and ...

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