Home > Where are my potatoes?

Where are my potatoes?

October 17th, 2008 at 09:00 pm

I did my grocery shopping today because we have a festival going on this weekend and it is hard to even get to town. When i put away my groceries, I noticed that I did NOT have the potatoes I picked out. However, I was charged for them. I am not going to make a special trip, but I am going to take my receipt back to them next week and ask for my money back. I bought a box of chocolate mints last week and when I opened them, they were all melted, so I took them back. I am tired of throwing away my money at the supermarket. Do you take things back too?

3 Responses to “Where are my potatoes?”

  1. Brenda Says:

    I bought a bottle of Ibuprofin this week and when I got home realized they had charged full price in stead of the sale price. I have the bag in the car with the empty box and the bill (as I had already opened them). I haven't had a chance to get back yet but I will!

  2. dmontngrey Says:

    Sure do if there's a problem! Take back boneless chicken if one of us bites into a bone. I'll take the receipt in if I was charged for something that I didn't end up with at home. DH took back some empty frozen dinner boxes cuz he found out after eating them that they had expired over a year ago! He had just purchased them that week. He checks dates now and the store was really horrified at that one!

  3. LuckyRobin Says:

    I'd call them and let them know what happened to. Most stores are good at taking your word for something but others might not believe you if you show up a week later with a receipt and didn't call immediately the day it happened.

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