Home > unopened statements

unopened statements

October 16th, 2008 at 06:20 pm

I have been receiving the end of the quarter statements for all of my different mutual funds this past week. Normally, I open them right up. This time, I am just putting them on a pile on my desk, unopened. Is anyone else doing this??

5 Responses to “unopened statements”

  1. Sunshine Suz Says:

    I'm opening...putting myself out of my misery. A couple haven't been as bad as I was expecting.

  2. my english castle Says:

    Well, Ima, I opened a few, but found myself stressing too much.
    Now they're being opened, filed, but I'm averting my eyes from the percentages and the totals.

  3. Ima saver Says:

    I understand. Mine are down about 30%!!

  4. Renee Says:

    I receive my dads statements and he is doing quite well I was very surprised. I was a little afraid because he needs every penny he makes. I don't think worrying helps much so Ima just don't open them until later. I really don't think things are going to get better for a while. I just want to stay out of debt and keep saving for the future!


  5. MileHighGirl Says:

    I haven't checked my 401K standings in about 3 months. I wouldn't be selling or redistributing at this point in time anyway. What's the point from treasury returns are negative and bonds are falling?

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