Home > No heat yet!

No heat yet!

October 15th, 2008 at 03:58 pm

Well, we have hit the middle of October and I have not turned the heat on yet. It has gotten down into the 30's so far and right now it is 46 degrees outside at 11 am. I filled my propane tank up and paid out $1832 to do so.
Gas is still going down. Dh can now get gas for his van for $2.99 a gallon, I am still paying $3.19. But I have cut my driving way down, so when I filled up yesterday, it only cost a little over $10.
I checked my vanguard account yesterday. I have all my funds listed there so I only have to look one place to see how I am doing. My funds and the stock market are down about 30% this past year.
Hopefully, things will improve!!

6 Responses to “No heat yet!”

  1. HELPmeFind Says:

    I am melting here in Indy. I couldn't think about the heat on now. 30* is freezing. How much insulation does your house have that you don't need the heat?

  2. Caoineag Says:

    I am with you Ima, no heat and we have had frost every morning outside since the weekend. I swear one of our neighbors must be blasting the heat because we still haven't needed it.

  3. nance Says:

    I caved and turned on the heat, but I live in Northern Colorado!
    I am thinking of looking into Vanguard. I have all of my funds with Janus and I'm down 45 per cent. Ouch!

  4. sharmanl Says:

    I live in Georgia, and it we haven't thought about turning on the heat. It's currently 71 degrees at 12:35pm. At night it gets down to the 50-60's. By 4pm, it can get as high as 78 degrees. We just keep the windows cracked all day, and the nice cool breeze comes through. It's awesome!

  5. Ima saver Says:

    I am in the mountains of North Georgia, just 10 miles away from North Carolina and about 20 miles from Tennessee. My house was built by my husband and is very well insulated.

  6. Renee Says:

    It has been so pretty here in Kentucky and still in the 50's at night. I hate the idea of turning on the heat. We usually have to put plastic on our windows to keep the cold out. (Yes we have really old windows) So I am really enjoying these night cool days and warmish nightsSmile

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