Home > The sting!

The sting!

October 14th, 2008 at 02:53 pm

Last night, my husband stopped to do a free job for an old customer. What he thought would take a few minutes wound up taking an hour and a half. No, he is not going to charge for it. He never does. That is why he has so many friends.
As a result, he got home too late for us to go out to eat, so we had breakfast for dinner. I am glad we wound up staying home.
They were celebrating the 35th anniversary of "The Sting", the movie with Rober Redford and Paul Newman.
Gosh, I remember that movie like it was yesterday. I remember going to my girlfriend's son's piano recital and he was playing the sting.
Gosh, has it been 35 years? Time goes by so fast when you are happy!!
Well, I had a no use gas day yesterday, so that is $2 more to add to my challenge money.
Prev. total $21,878.00
today 2.00
new total $21,880.00

6 Responses to “The sting!”

  1. Broken Arrow Says:

    Are they friends out of friendship or just out of what your husband can do for them for free?

  2. Ima saver Says:

    Just really past customers that he did some remodling for. People are always calling him cause he is so handy.

  3. disneysteve Says:

    I was flipping channels after I worked out last night and found The Sting. Even though we own the DVD (it is one of our favorite movies), I still sat and watched it. When my wife came home, she didn't even look at the TV and said, "Oh, The Sting is on." Great movie.

  4. mbkonef Says:

    Wow! That movie (or really that song "The Entertainer") brings back memories. I learned to play that song in high school when I took guitar lessons. I played in in a recital with a quartet. I could not play it now if my life depended on it but hearing it always makes me think of my old guitar teacher.

  5. Wonderlake653 Says:

    Ima, I love your inspiration. I am striving for no-spend days myself. I was to have a working meeting over coffee in the office cafe today which meant having to spend at least $2 however, my colleague said, I've had enough caffeine for today (oh, did I mention we live in Seattle?) so I didn't have to bring my wallet! (Dance of Joy) for not having to spend any money today!! Thanks Ima, you're always in the back of my mind.

  6. SicilyYoder Says:

    Your the best!!!

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