Home > When you eat at Wendy's, think of me!

When you eat at Wendy's, think of me!

October 11th, 2008 at 09:00 pm

I got a statement from Wendy's today. It is now the Wendy's/Arby group. I got 4.24 shares for every Wendy's share that I owned, so now I own 588 shares of wendy's. Too bad that it has come down so much in price just like all the other stocks.
So when you eat at wendy's, just think of Ima!!

4 Responses to “When you eat at Wendy's, think of me!”

  1. anonymouse Says:

    Wendy's is my most favorite fast food restaurant.

  2. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    All the Wendy's in my city were long ago closed down

  3. gamecock43 Says:

    I dont eat fast food but appreciate how Wendys is trying to go healthier.

  4. HELPmeFind Says:

    I think that it's weird that when they hook up with Arby's they say that they will focus on breakfast. Do you often think of Arby's when you want breakfast? I tried the Wendy's breakfast once, never again.

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