Ok, let's forget the doom and gloom of the past few weeks and get back to saving whatever we can. Yesterday, I managed to stay home all day and used no gasoline, so that is $2 to add to the challenge money. I also won 3 games of mah jong, so that makes a total of $5 to add.
We also had a free pizza dinner at friends house last night, but since dh had to lose an hour and a half from work to make it there by six pm., it really wasn't any savings to us.
Oh, I forgot, I got a $5 check from Wendy's in the mail. They converted my shares over and sent me a check for a fraction of a share. That makes $10 i can add to my challenge money.
Prev. total $21,860.00
today 10.00
new total $21,870.00
small savings
October 10th, 2008 at 05:35 pm