Home > Bridge anyone??

Bridge anyone??

October 6th, 2008 at 09:21 pm

Does anyone here play bridge? I do and I love it. I got a great hand today. The person on my left opened with one club, my partner passed, the person on my right bid one heart and I bid two diamonds. They really wanted the bid, so they kept bidding me up, with 3 clubs, 3 hearts, etc. They finally got me to bid 5 diamonds (we only needed one for game) and then they doubled me.
My partner laid her hand down and she had NO points.
Here was my hand.
spades- Ace and King
hearts= queen, jack, little, little
Diamonds- Ace, King, queen, ten, nine, eight, seven
Clubs- none

They immediately took the ace and king of heart, then led the ace of clubs. I trumped, pull out all the other trump (my partner had 2) and took all the other tricks, making 5, doubled!!
Wow, it was a fun day to do on such a down day.
Right now, a mama deer and her twins are eating corn in my back yard.

3 Responses to “Bridge anyone??”

  1. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    I have no idea how to play. I was chatting with my mother today about her grandson knowing a couple young men who have pretty much flunked out of college due to video game "addiction." She said that in her college days (1940s) she knew students who did the same because of Bridge!

  2. swimgirl Says:

    Oh my gosh! I LOVE bridge! And I'm really too young for it! (42) But my husband and I play with some friends (not often enough). What a great hand! Good job!

  3. M E 2 Says:

    I don't know how to play Bridge. I used to know how to play Pinnochle and could never quite get the gist of Euchre. Which most people find odd because I have been told that Pinnochle is much more difficult to learn/play than Euchre. So maybe I'd be good at Bridge? Smile

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