Home > Another check

Another check

October 5th, 2008 at 06:10 pm

I got another check in the mail yesterday. It was from NFOmysurvey. I have made over $100 from them the past year or so. If anyone wants to become a member and do surveys, let me know. They pay out in points and when you accumulate 1000 points, you can redeem the points for a check for $10. If you are interested, send me your first name and your e mail address. My e mail address is juliedenski @ and leave out the spaces.
Prev. total $21,790.00
today 10.00
new total $21,800.00

$20 challenge!

2 Responses to “Another check”

  1. Cindy Says:

    I also belong to this survey group and find they pay pretty well. I think I average $10 month from them.

  2. diane murdock Says:

    Hi Ima, I've been reading your blog for sometime now. Sure sign me up for the survey, why not, a little extra cash here and there, I have time for a survey now and then. Here's my blog,come visit. just type it in.

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