Home > Please quit smoking!!

Please quit smoking!!

October 2nd, 2008 at 05:49 pm

When we moved here, the very first person we hired to help us build houses was a young guy (30). Part of his crew was his wife, his brother and his brother's wife. They would help dh frame in the houses and put on the roofs. Over the years, we kept in touch and the two guys did a lot of work for us. He was a very heavy smoker and so was his wife. His wife got ill and quit smoking and begged him to quit too.
Last month, just out of the blue, he found out he had lung cancer. He died last night.
Please,if you smoke, quit smoking. I know how hard it is. I started smoking when I was 12 and quit cold turkey after 35 years. Think of all the money and years you will save!

7 Responses to “Please quit smoking!!”

  1. ceejay74 Says:

    I agree! Smoking is soo fun and enjoyable, but too addictive and too many health risks. For women, it can even inhibit estrogen and increase bone loss, helping speed up osteoporosis.

    I quit January 2007 and still miss it, but I'm so glad I did quit.

  2. HELPmeFriend Says:

    My grandfather died of cancer brought on by smoking. My grandmother died next due to emphysema.
    I have more than just the money reason to quit, and I have tried, but I believe that I will quit cold turkey one day, when I just can't take anymore.

  3. ceejay74 Says:

    Keep trying, Helpmefriend! One of my friends tried about 25 times, but he finally succeeded. He's been smoke-free for about 4 years now!

  4. monkeymama Says:

    People always ask me why I have never smoked.

    One of my mom's best friends had lung cancer from second hand smoke. She did not smoke, but her spouse did. I was quite young (maybe 8? 10?) and we visited her in the hospital. She was in her 40s I would guess. They cut her open to take out the tumors and she showed us the scars across her chest. They did a number on her, for sure.

    For the long run, I think she survived. We eventually lost touch. But yeah, I am just one of those people that does not have to learn the hard way. Never had an interest in smoking, in the least, after seeing what she went through. I am sure I felt, "if 2nd hand smoke does this, what does 1st hand smoking do?" & I feel grateful to live in an area that has long discouraged smoking for its second hand effects.

    I understand dh's grandfather was a smoker, and passed away rather young as well. I never met him.

    Sorry to hear for your loss.

  5. seven of seven Says:

    I smoked for 20+ years. I quit October 5 last year (only 3 days away from my 1 year anniversary). I am so glad I'm no longer a smoker. Yes, I liked it in many ways, but it was bothersome to feel like I "had" to get a smoke. And, I know I must have smelled badly. Smokers don't realize how they smell; now that I'm not a smoker, I smell it on others right away.

    Anyway, I'm sorry for your loss, and to Helpmefriend - keep trying. You'll be amazed at how much better you feel!

  6. Pete Howells Says:

    this is good advice. I’ll agree with all of that.i read it && i really like the content of this blog, so do keep posting and keep the good work up.
    enjoy blogging, thanks.

  7. HELPmeFind Says:

    Pete obviously doesn't read here often. You always have the most posts per month. We love everything you write, even when it is sad and makes us think of our sad times.

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