Home > My usual check!!

My usual check!!

October 1st, 2008 at 01:03 pm

My usual end of the month check came in and as always, I will add that to my challenge money. I have never spent one penny of it yet. It is my social security check of $551. How does anyone live on $551 a month??
Prev. total $20,997.00
today 551.00
new total $21,548.00

2 Responses to “My usual check!!”

  1. homebody Says:

    My father lived on about that much. His house was paid off and he ate lunch at the Senior Citizen's lunch program that he would drive his little motorized wheelchair to. He didn't drive so he had no car expenses. Heck now that I think about it I don't know how he did it! He's been gone for almost 5 years now. He lived a very active life, went to church where he played his mandolin or guitar or banjo (I have his banjo).

  2. Renee Says:

    That is how much my mom gets and you are right that is not enough for even one person. How blessed you are that you can save it each month.


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