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Going to Gatlinburg!

September 5th, 2008 at 01:39 pm

We are going to Gatlinburg today. There is a car show in Pigeon Forge that my dh has not missed in 25 years.
Gatlinburg is the reason we moved to the mountains. I had lived in Fla. since a child and so had dh. When we married we went on cruises on vacation.
One year, friends asked us to go with them to Gatlinburg. I fell in love with the mountains and shortly after, we found an acre in the mountains on the toccoa river and bought it. The cost of the acre was $13,000. (Now they go for $250,000) We moved to the north Georgia mountains and have loved it this past 25 years.
I have changed a lot in 25 years. Now I can go to Gatlinburg and not buy anything! Just love the good food that you can get there!!
See you soon!!

9 Responses to “Going to Gatlinburg!”

  1. hailiesmom515 Says:

    oh i love gatlinburg! i live about an hour and a half away and we go there for all of our anniversarys and stuff, in fact we are going there next weekend for the rod run! have fun!

  2. Myrtle Says:

    Where's the best place to stay when visiting Gatlinburg?

  3. Aleta Says:

    We were in Pigeon Forge in Deptember in 2004 during the car show. It's quite a spectacle. We stayed in Pigeon Forge but went into Gaillinburg on the local buses. Gatlinburg is a lovely place.

  4. Cindy Says:

    Have a great time! I have never been there but my husband and I were near Dahlonega Georgia for our honeymoon 16 years ago. I believe that's a couple hours from Gatlinburg. We are actually from Seattle and knew nothing of Georgia, just thought it looked like a beautiful place - and it is.

  5. LuxLiving Says:

    Those windy back roads make me woozy! But the main drag is great. Took the two boys by myself a few years back.

    Enjoy your stay!

  6. frugaltexan75 Says:

    Oh! I love Gatlinburg! If I ever get married, that's where I want to go for my honeymoon (or at least a cabin nearby there.) Big Grin

  7. fern Says:

    Sounds wonderful. I hope you share some pix when you return.

  8. gamecock43 Says:

    I heard of Gatlinberg...some show did a documentary of a huge crime comitted there.. lol...involved bike week...and romance...anyways, the documentary footage was beautiful. funny the things you remember...

  9. hailiesmom515 Says:

    myrtle- we always stay at these cabins, they are right off the pigeon forge strip and beautiful! plus you get free nights!

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