Home > Got a new credit card!

Got a new credit card!

September 3rd, 2008 at 04:49 pm

I got my new credit card in the mail today. Last Monday the fraud dept. at chase called me to see if I purchased $252 worth of make up. Of course, I had not, so they told me to cut up my card. It has seemed funny not to have a credit card for the past 8 days. Not that I have needed it, I am just use to having my credit card with me.
I am glad the fraud dept. was on the ball!!
I try and remember to check my statement every day, but it takes about two days for something to post to my account.

5 Responses to “Got a new credit card!”

  1. Brenda Says:

    That was sure good of them to call. I have a real fear of that happening with my CC. Know what you mean about how you feel being without it.

  2. HouseHopeful Says:

    Thats the same company that called me about my card a few weeks ago. They're fraud dept is on the ball!

  3. HELPmefriend Says:

    Do you think that someone got your number from them? I am sure that you haven't slipped and let it out.

  4. Ima saver Says:

    My husband thinks someone might have stolen the number on line because I ordered a few things over the computer.

  5. get a life Says:

    just wondering why someone with "all this money" would need a credit card... dont tell me its for internet purchases cause you can do it just as easily with a debit card.

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