Home > $12.97!!


August 13th, 2008 at 03:17 pm

I opened up a new personal checking account last month. I don't keep much money in my personal checking because I put in just enough to pay the bills.
However, this new checking account pays 3.1% interest, so I am keeping all of my weekly budgeted money for property taxes, car insurance and house insurance in this account.
Yesterday, this account paid me $12.98 in interest; the first time I have ever earned interest on a personal account in my life!! This is great. The only requirement is that I must keep $1000 in the account in order to be paid interest.
I love it!!

6 Responses to “$12.97!!”

  1. luxlivingfrugalis Says:

    Where oh where, Ima??? If you feel comfortable saying...

  2. Aleta Says:

    That's great Ima and I would think you could write unlimited checks. 3.1 is good and $1,000 isn't bad to receive that rate. My money market is $2.74 right now and I have a minimum. Enjoy your interest.

  3. HELPmeFriend Says:

    You are so excited!
    I love it when people get happy over the littlest things.
    I would think that $12.97 would be chump change to you, but you are genuinely happy to get it.
    I want to get to that point someday!

  4. M E 2 Says:

    That is an awsome rate indeed. But in order to earn $12.98 a month, I am guessing one would need to keep $5,000 or so in the account. I guess the good news / bad news for me is that I don't have $5,000 in expenses monthly nor do I net $5,000 monthly. Smile

  5. Ima saver Says:

    The bank I use is called appalachian Community Banks in Blairsville, Ga. They pay 3.1% on checking and it is guaranted to pay that til next July.
    I do have about $5000 in there now. What I did was I put my tax money (for property tax, car insurances (6 cars) and house insurance in there.
    I also put in my medical account money (we self insure ourselves), my christmas club money, and an car fund.

    This is part of my budget and always before, I left that money in envelopes. I budget for these things weekly, but they only get paid a few times a year. So, sometimes the account will be low when I pay big things like property tax!

  6. Ima saver Says:

    Oh yes, I can write unlimited checks also. I opened 3 checking accounts, so even my business checking pays a good rate now.

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