Home > Net worth

Net worth

July 2nd, 2008 at 01:58 pm

I did do the math yesterday to figure out my net worth for the month. I just don't know if I want to post it to net worth iq this month. My stocks and mutual funds have gone down about $30,000 in one month. I did increase my savings pretty well, but maybe I will just skip posting this month.

I cleaned out all my envelopes yesterday and had about $350 to add to my challenge money. that is the beauty of the envelope system. Every quarter we have 13 paydays and the envelope system only budgets for 12 months, so there is always money left over.

Prev. total $16,289.00
today 350.00
new total $16,639.00

6 Responses to “Net worth”

  1. Broken Arrow Says:

    Well Ima, you're not the only one.

    This is the first time for years since I've started tracking my net worth that it's actually gone down. Kind of painful to watch. Part of it is my expenses, but I think the larger part for me is because of the market.

    Warren Buffett's portfolio has also suffered about 20% I think this month. I don't know for how long or how deep, but we're in bear country.

  2. Ima saver Says:

    No, BA, I am sure a lot of people have seen their net worth go down lately!! So glad that you are still around, I miss your blogs.

  3. kquealey Says:

    Thanks for the welcome Ima! This bear market is kind of a scary thing to be entering for the first time like I am doing. That decrease is frightening!

  4. Broken Arrow Says:

    kquealey, if it makes you feel any better, I think it's actually best to start your investments in a bear market. Things are on sale, and you could catch the next rebound. But I also think the most important thing is to not get scared out of investing for your future. Good luck!

  5. Renee Says:

    I would love to hear about your envelope system. I have tried it a couple times but it has never seemed to work for me. How do you know how much to keep in each envelope?


  6. matt Says:

    yes please tell us more!

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