I had to take my little holly to the vets today. She has been scratching her ear a lot and it was all tangled up. I had her groomed yesterday and took her to the vet today.
She does have an ear infection, so that was almost $90 for the visit and medicine.
Sometimes it seems to me like doggie visits cost more than people visits. I am just glad that she is feeling better.
The braves won yesterday and I won 4 games of mah jong, so that is $5 to add to my challenge money.
Prev. total $15,677.00
today 5.00
new total $15,683.00
Vet bill
June 28th, 2008 at 08:52 pm
June 29th, 2008 at 02:33 am 1214703232
My Henry's vet visits *definitely* cost more than my doctor's visits, since there's no insurance to cover him (I know there is vet insurance, but it doesn't cover pre-existing conditions and that's mostly what he needs).
Hope Holly puts up with the ear meds (and cleaning) well. Henry has a chronic ear infection but he's learned that an ear-wash every other day really does make him feel better (of course, the treat I give him after I do each ear helps make the experience tolerable as well!)
June 29th, 2008 at 03:52 am 1214707922
Hope little Holly is feeling A-OK!
June 30th, 2008 at 09:11 pm 1214856662