Home > Just 6 more months!!

Just 6 more months!!

June 25th, 2008 at 05:16 pm

Til Christmas. You didn't want to hear that, did you? I already have my christmas money saved up. Actually, I spent so little money last christmas, that I still have about $1400 in my christmas savings account.

Yesterday, I stayed home all day and used no gasoline. That saved $2, plus I walked a mile and won 5 games of mah jong, so that is $8 more to add to my challenge money.

Prev. total $15,665.00
today 8.00
new total $15,673.00

7 Responses to “Just 6 more months!!”

  1. merch Says:

    Good point!!! I got my budget and it includes savings for gifts.

  2. aliberal Says:

    what's the site that you play mah jong on everyday?

  3. Ima saver Says:

    I am not computer literate. Someone posted the site and I copied it. It is called Mahjong game Qpon-Shanghai.

  4. HouseHopeful Says:

    Oh boy, I SO need to start thinking about Christmas. I've got a tight budget this year.

  5. ZenQueen50 Says:

    Halfway to Christmas and my daughter's birthday.....she's no longer a teenager!

    We're taking her out to Olive Garden for her birthday dinner. In the meantime, I'd rather not think about Christmas. Yeesh! But neither am I concerned... Smile

  6. Aleta Says:

    Good going Ima. I save from January to June for the holidays and the same amount I save from July to December for the next years vacation.

  7. Koppur Says:

    Good gracious Ima! Don't scare me like this! Smile

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