Home > The dance of Joy!!

The dance of Joy!!

June 20th, 2008 at 05:19 pm

I am doing a happy dance right now!! I got my car back from the body shop!! It looks good as new! Everyone needs a red corvette. (at least I do)!!

So, it is a happy day for me!!!!!!!!

4 Responses to “The dance of Joy!!”

  1. mom-sense Says:

    We were at the Corvette Museum in Bowlilng Green at the end of May and I saw many, many that I would look good in. DH's is a stick shift and I can't drive it. D Brother has an teal blue C4 that I drive occasionally. Enjoy your red one!

  2. Koppur Says:

    Who-hoo! Congrats! Smile

  3. sounderella Says:

    Yay for you!!

  4. klbb90 Says:

    I don't know how you did without! Bet you feel like you can breathe again.

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