Home > red, yellow and blue!!

red, yellow and blue!!

June 14th, 2008 at 05:11 pm

Amber asked me when I got a new car. I certainly did not mean to hide it. My husband is a "car" guy. He works 7 days a week to pay for his "toys"
We have a blue corvette that we bought new in 1978. I drive a 2004 red corvette.
Dh wanted a new car, so this time he chose a 2008 yellow corvette.
All of the cars are paid for except the one that I call "ole yeller".
Oh, we also have a 1933 ford victoria that is a hot rod.
Two work vans round out the picture!!

That is us, just your typical 6 vehicle, 2 people family!!

6 Responses to “red, yellow and blue!!”

  1. SicilyYoder Says:

    I like Corvettes!!! How is Bridge coming? I'd like to learn to play one day.

  2. koppur Says:

    My Dad has a 69 Dodge Polara, but his dream car is a 33 or 34 Ford. My dream car is a 79 Z28 Camaro. Smile

  3. Amber Says:

    Oh Ima I know your hubby loves his toys Smile I was just so surprised you got a new one and did not share Big Grin
    I would love to have a Nova, not sure what year but I like them. You now what I saw today a Yugo

  4. Amber Says:

    OOPs I forgot if you ever get a chance post some pics

  5. Ima saver Says:

    sorry, i do not know how to post pictures!!

  6. greengirl Says:

    my bf is a car nut too, as are some of his friends. they all like datsun 1600's. bf has two. i have a nissan pulsar but my dream car is a nissan 350z. that one will have to wait i think! in the meantime i have my sights set on a nissan 200sx or a (new) holden monaro. i also wouldn't mind a dodge challenger Smile

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