Home > Happy Friday the 13th!!

Happy Friday the 13th!!

June 13th, 2008 at 06:27 pm

I love friday the 13th. On June 13. 1995, I moved to where I now live. That was 13 years ago today!!
I got married on Friday the 13th, 31 years ago. (31=13 turned around)
My p.o box number is 13. My phone number starts with 13!!
I bet you will never guess the last two numbers in dh's social security number??

I had a no spend, no use gas day yesterday and won 2 games of mah jong. That is $5 to add to the challenge.
Prev. total $15,614.00
today 5.00
new total $15,619.00

3 Responses to “Happy Friday the 13th!!”

  1. Swimgirl Says:

    Thirteen is my lucky number, too. I met my husband on May 13, my grandparents were married on May 13, there are 13 letters in my name, M is the 13th letter of the alphabet...

    Happy 13th!!

  2. gamecock43 Says:

    today is your lucky day. Dont press it by buying a lottery ticket though...that can only lead to disillusionment and disapointment. LOL, but DO feel free to be on a lookout for good things happening today!

  3. SicilyYoder Says:

    I have 13 in my ss too!!! I like unusual days- and especially holidays- I like to decorate- I LOVE fall- love all the colors and the hayrides and to give candy to trick or treaters.

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