Home > To Ron

To Ron

June 12th, 2008 at 05:43 pm

I had a comment on my blog yesterday from Ron. He said, he wondered if I was a shut in because I never seemed to do anything.
This is for Ron. No, I am not a shut in. When I moved to this area, the only job I could get (because I was not local) was as a waitress. I waitressed for many years for very little money. I was the head waitress which means I had to fill in when someone could not work. Most days, I worked from 9 am. til 10 pm.

After many years, my dh asks me to quit so that he would not have to be alone every night. Since I had saved so hard for so many years, I was able to "retire". That is something that everyone on the forum is striving for, retirement!!

I am an active healthy woman in my 60's. I keep busy. I do all the bookwork for my husband's business and take care of all the finances.

I walk on my treadmill every day, read, play bridge and mahjong, dance, go to parties, enjoy the creek and my little Holly.

Every night, I go out on a date with my wonderful husband of 31 years!!

No, Ron, I am not a shut in!!

11 Responses to “To Ron”

  1. sounderella Says:
    1213289683 drive a vette! I hope I'm like you when I get there. Nevermind that Ron. Big Grin

  2. mom-sense Says:

    Way to go, Ima! I enjoy your posts and it is clear to see that you enjoy life and frugality.

    Here is the funny thing about me: I am a SAHM to the kids and would like more. I can see myself NEVER returning to paid employment again (this is because of the ages of my parents and in-laws and grandparents). I love to be at home taking care of things and people.

    I now am learning how to walk the frugal walk and enjoy things for the sake of enjoyment (rather than buying for fun and happiness) and trying to fill my kids time with stuff. We are all enjoying life for the things we do - like family reads and just walking the dogs around the block.

    I would never have take you for a shut-in. Quite the contrary, I have an image of you tooling around in the Red Vette (inspiring me to learn to drive DH's stick shift '73 sting ray)

  3. creditcardfree Says:

    I never thought of you as a shut in, either. I'm shocked by Ron's comment. Maybe he's a little jealous!

  4. koppur Says:

    Are you kidding? You do more than most people I know! Maybe Ron just thinks that to be able to save the way you have, you have to sit around and do nothing. We should all be learning from you: how to have fun, have kick-butt cars, a FAB hubby, and be frugal at the same time!

  5. monkeymama Says:


    It reminds me how appalled people are my spouse doesn't work. Like it's the end of the world if someone chooses not to work. (For a paycheck).

    Why is it such a badge of "shame" in our society?

    I usually boil it down to jealousy in the end. Jealousy and ignorance.

    I didn't see the comment, but glad you posted it. I think we have a thing or 2 to say about it.

    If yours is the lifestyle of a shut-in, then being a shut-in sounds kind of fun. Wink

  6. Ima saver Says:

    You know I started work at age 12. Maybe that is one of the reasons I was able to stop working a little earlier than some.

  7. greengirl Says:

    julie, don't listen to 'Ron', it is just a silly comment that someone made to spark a fire.
    my mum does all the quotes and officework for her partner and their home based business, and i do their bookwork two days a week, just because it is not a 'normal' job where you physically 'go to work' does not mean jack-s#@$%! most times a home business is so much more work than anyone would do in a normal job, because it is always there and you never shut off from it.
    and to all those SAHM's, i think that is another occupation that is constantly getting undermined as well. being a SAHM is hard work, I have seen my mum do it, and my step-mum, and so many other women i am close to.

  8. HouseHopeful Says:

    Anyone who has read your posts knows that you have a lot of things going on. Personal interests, helping your husband with his business, bridge, mah jong, ect. It sounds like you've addressed the issue well in your post.

    And I had to laugh. From the way you talk about eating out and your interactions with the waitstaff, I was betting that you had once waited tables. I have a fondness for helping out and tipping the waitstaff well since I did that job and know how hard it can be. So I called it right, you were a waitress too Smile

  9. Amber Says:

    Shut in? I have never heard of this,which means I must be as well being that I don't do much anymore (of course I am being sarcastic). So I guess I am on my way to an erlly and enjoyful retirement
    Continue you what you do , enjoying life

  10. luxlivingfrugalis Says:

    Oh Ron, just piddle off!

    Goooooo Ima Goooooooooooo!!! Oh wait, you already do!

    I'm still planning on making a run across the border with you someday when I get out your way! The gas is on me! Move over Thelma & Louise.

  11. Ima saver Says:

    Oh, I don't think Ron meant to be rude. He just figured it would be easy for me to save money cause he figured I stayed home all day and did nothing!

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