Home > $4.30 a gallon

$4.30 a gallon

June 11th, 2008 at 04:52 pm

I just paid $4.30 a gallon to fill up. I am starting to keep track of my milage and gas usage by writing everything down. I get almost 19 mpg and the cost to me is almost 23 cents a gallon.
The best way to save money is to just stay home. I only drove 55 miles this past week.
Too bad my dh cannot control his driving milage. He has 3 houses going, all in different directions. One house is in another state about 25 miles away.
I am giving him $120 a week for gas now and I think I will have to increase this very shortly.
So, I only spent $12.82 for gas this week. That doesn't sound too bad until you think about it. I bought less than 3 gallons of gas today.

4 Responses to “$4.30 a gallon”

  1. gruntina Says:

    Gas is already at 4.50 where I am at. Unfortunatley I commute 60 miles everyday to work. There is no city bus where I live.

  2. monkeymama Says:

    I saw $4.60 yesterday.

    I think we have the highest gas in the country (lucky us). We are tied with San Francisco lately.

    $5 here we come...

  3. sagegirl Says:

    I guess I can't complain about our $3.88 gas. Frown But it is painful to fill up the car at these prices.

  4. Ima saver Says:

    I have to buy premium!!

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