Home > 000399


June 9th, 2008 at 04:12 pm

Well, hubby just dropped by to show me the two new magnetic signs he had made for his van. The new signs have both of his license numbers. He is licensed to build now, in both North Carolia and in Georgia.
In Georgia, he was the 399th person to get his license. All in all, about 15,000 people have gotten licensed in this state.
That does not seem like a lot of people for an entire state? I would think there would be more licensed builders than that just in the city of Atlanta!!

Well, today should be a no spend day cause I am playing bridge all day. Boy, it sure is hot and both a/c's are plugging away today!!

1 Responses to “000399”

  1. klbb90 Says:

    Hope you won!

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