Home > End of the month check!

End of the month check!

June 1st, 2008 at 04:33 pm

My end of the month check arrived and, as usual, I am putting it in my challenge fund. You might has guessed by now that it is a social security check that I have gotten since January 2007. I have never spent one penny of it.
I save it so it will earn interest. Someday, I will have to live on that interest. I know I could never live on this social security check.
Prev. total $12,840.00
today 551.00
new total $13,391.00

6 Responses to “End of the month check!”

  1. sounderella Says:

    Wow Ima, you really put it into perspective for me how important my 401K is. Especially since SS probably will be obsolete by the time I retire. By the way, you asked where I lived in my last post. I live in a lil' town called Bethlehem. It's about 30 mins from Atlanta (with no traffic) and about 30 mins outside of Athens where the University of GA is. I know exactly where Blairsville is Smile

  2. Ima saver Says:

    Thanks for telling me that!! Yes, start saving young cause it is impossible to live on $551 a month in social security!!

  3. crazyliblady Says:

    Wow, you are so disciplined. You really inspire us to be more than what we are, do more than what we do. Thank you. Smile

  4. Amber Says:

    Way to go Ima. It's nice that you can sock that money away, so many people have to decide rather to buy medication or pay for the roof over their heads. Just hope I am able to save mine

  5. Ima saver Says:

    Thank goodness, the roof over my head is paid for and I am pretty healthy!! (despite what I eat)

  6. KellyB Says:

    Question - if you don't need the SS to live off of, why did you not defer it to take later? The amount goes up the longer you wait. Of course, guess you have to weigh the risk of not getting it at all later...

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