Home > $3.55 a gallon

$3.55 a gallon

April 4th, 2008 at 07:58 pm

That is what I am paying for gas! It is cheaper to eat out than buy gas!!
Yesterday, I had a no spend day and the stock market went up a little. Today, I picked up a couple of steaks on sale and saved $3 there. So, $5 more to add to the challenge.
Prev. total $6795.00
today 5.00
new total $6800.00

7 Responses to “$3.55 a gallon”

  1. miclason Says:

    I pay $3.85!!! Frown

  2. Maismom Says:

    I paid $3.53 a gallon yesterday, and that's the cheapest I could find in the area.

    I remember not too long ago that people were complaining about gas price when it was $2.50 a gallon.

  3. Nic Says:

    So I should be "happy" I'm only paying $3.26? Frown

  4. gruntina Says:

    It is a hard reality for me. I drive 28 miles one way commute to work so that is 56 miles of work commute alone each day.

    I live in the mountains and there is no bus line down the hill and once I reach the city, I have already droven 20 miles so catching a bus in the city from there would not make a difference as I will be paying as much gas as the bus fair would be.

  5. disneysteve Says:

    You guys need to come visit us in NJ. I can fill up around here for $2.95 right now.

  6. Amber Says:

    DS $2.95 is great, that would be a dream for me

  7. Lady T Says:

    Two days ago I saw it for $3.16 here in Texas; today at the same station it was $3.26!! And obviously, from what all of you are saying, we aren't in such bad shape compared to some other areas of the country.

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