Home > No more eating out!!

No more eating out!!

April 1st, 2008 at 11:30 am

Ok, this is my new resolution!! I am cooking dinner at home from now on. Every night!! No more eating out!! I am resolved to love making menus, cooking a meal and cleaning it all up, every night!!

April's Fool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

28 Responses to “No more eating out!!”

  1. littlemama Says:

    You really had me convinced!

  2. reginaastralis Says:

    LOL ... I was gonna say "Good luck!" b/c it's something I've been working on for over a year ... and yep, we still find ourselves eating completely unhealthy food too often.

  3. 76Chick Says:



    it was the 'cleaning it all up every night' that didn't have my convinced. I'd rather eat out (but it's not in our budget at the moment). Cleaning up is the worst part of cooking.

    too cute.

  4. cheshirecat Says:

    It was the "resolve to love doing it" that had me......wouldn't that be an oxymoron?

    I too have a younger husband... good to know someone else has one of those. It's nice to know that he will be working for many years after I retire because he is so much younger than me.

  5. creditcardfree Says:

    You had me fooled for a moment...all I could think was, what changed her mind?

  6. Carolina Bound Says:

    Ha, ha, good one! I thought that seemed unlikely! What would they do with the Julie button?

  7. luxlivingfrugalis Says:

    Man, all I could think of was all of those great waitresses who'd be missing out on a little Ima'loving $$ tips at the end of their meals!!

    Can't tell that I used to be a waitress, huh?

    Good joke Julie!!

  8. Caoineag Says:

    I was wondering what was up. I was feeling sort of abandoned since you are the only person I know besides myself who makes eating out a priority in their life.

  9. compulsive debtor Says:

    Good one, Julie. I was all ready to ask what brought about this change....

  10. seven of seven Says:

    That was great. When I saw your headline for the post, I thought "no way!" My favorite line, which I had to read twice was "I'm resolved to love making menus." I was hoping to learn what a "love making menu" consisted of!! LOL!

  11. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    Big Grin I was ready to counsel that this was too big a change, too unrealistic, too opposed to your nature. I was going to make you look at why you would stop doing one of the things in life that most makes you happy when there was no real need to cut back.

  12. SingleGuyMoney Says:

    Good one. Thanks for reminding me that it is April Fools Day.

  13. disneysteve Says:

    Sorry, but as soon as I saw this thread, I knew it HAD to be an April Fool's joke. We know you too well Julie.

  14. Ima saver Says:

    You do know me too well!!

  15. Broken Arrow Says:

    Almost got me until I got to the "cleaning the dishes" part.

    Hahah, even a fruggie hates dishes.

  16. Ami S Says:

    I knew right away it was a joke. She does nothing as it is, why would she want to start now?!? LOL

  17. Ima saver Says:

    I do too, I handle my husbands money, what a great job. (Plus I do the books on the four houses we have going, all by hand)

  18. nance Says:

    I didn't believe that for a minute!

  19. frugaltexan75 Says:

    Good one Ima! Smile

  20. JanH Says:

    Got me, too! Awesome, Ima! I needed the laugh today!

  21. Harley Says:

    If you have worked in a kitchen at a restaurant you would not eat out - ever.

  22. Thrifty Ray Says:

    lol....even funnier when read for the first time AFTER April Fools day and think its true...crazy but true...

    Too funny Julie.

  23. homebody Says:

    I totally believed it!

  24. treasureinheaven Says:

    I believed it, too and I was gonna say, "Good luck with that!" ;-)

  25. ldyfaile Says:

    I totally fell for it because I'm behind on posts and didn't notice the date. Duh. Smile You did have me going there until I wondered why there was all that blank white space and saw the disclaimer. Good one!

  26. terri77 Says:

    All I read was "love making" and I was interested.

  27. downunder Daisy? Says:

    ha,ha,very cute,i was really thinking of not going out to resturants anymore after watching Gordon Ramseys kitchen nightmares,some of the things those chefs do is a worry!

  28. snoopycool Says:

    When I read the subject line I said outloud "Whaaaaaaaaat?" Funny.

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