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The no spend days are getting easier!

March 7th, 2008 at 07:50 pm

These no spend days are getting much easier lately. I have had several this week and also, I have had 3 stay home and use no gas days.
I use to run to the grocery store almost every day, just for something to do. Now, I stay home and am staying out of the stores.
I am going to add $6 to my challenge for my 3 no spend, no gasoline days.
( I am spending $3.45 for a gallon of gas now)
Prev. total $5326.00
today 6.00
new total $5332.00

2 Responses to “The no spend days are getting easier!”

  1. HouseHopeful Says:

    I am going to work on more no spenders too. Great job!

  2. Aleta Says:

    I feel your pain about the gasoline. The prices are enough to make people stay home. I try to do all of my errands at 1 or 2 different times during the week. I try to do them when I have deposits that I do for my husband at the bank.

    I have seen a tremendous difference since I've stopped going to the store so often. Now, when I need something I just reevaluate if I really have to go or could I wait or improvise with something else.

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