Home > Lotteries


March 7th, 2008 at 01:46 pm

I just read in an aarp publication, that the only place that seniors spend more money than folks younger than 50, was playing the lottery. I thought that was interesting. I just never even think about playing it and rarely go to a store where lottery tickets are sold.
Today, I am adding the money that I put aside to pay for aarp life insurance. I cancelled it a while back and just add the money to my challenge.
prev. total $5286
today 40
new total $5326.00

6 Responses to “Lotteries”

  1. Broken Arrow Says:

    That's a really, really interesting point there, because I have some older co-workers that occasionally play the lottery. I don't push for an explanation why, but the gist of what they've said is that, when you're "that old", it's about the only way left to "get ahead".

    It's rather sad when one feels that way.

  2. HelpMeFriend Says:

    You cancel your service, but still read the newsletter?
    What were they offering to you for $40.00 anyway?

  3. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    Yes, I know quite a few older people who play the lottery. But they all seem to be quite secure, financially, not using dollars they need for paying the bills, I would guess. It seems to be just a fun thing for the. They seem realistic about the chances of ever coming out ahead.

  4. Sami Says:

    I would have to say that more times than not, when I see people buying lottery tix, they are 50+, if not much older than that.

  5. Aleta Says:

    I don't see anything wrong with people playing lotteries once in a while if they have all of their ducks in a row and this is money that is theirs to spend. I play once in a while, but don't look at it as my only hope to be financially secure. Most of these people are looking at it as their only chance.

    I, personally have won many things because I was contributing to a children's cause and out of the goodness of my heart - I contributed not expecting anything out of return.

  6. Ima saver Says:

    I see nothing wrong with playing the lottery either, if you can afford it. I was buying life insurance from them but cancelled when they raised their premiums. I am still a member of AARP.

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