Home > My husband did a voice over!!

My husband did a voice over!!

February 3rd, 2008 at 02:08 pm

My husband is building a big fancy house for a lady who is going to sell it. (spec house) She has hired a young man to make videos of it, while it is being built. Yesterday, he came over and had my husband talk on the video. I left them alone while they did it, but I know my dh was nervous. It took them almost an hour to make a 3 minute video.
Next time, dh wants me to do the talking. I think this is really neat!! I hope it helps sell the house, cause NOTHING is selling around here at all!!

2 Responses to “My husband did a voice over!!”

  1. boomeyers Says:

    How cool! I'd bet you'd be a natural!!

  2. JanH Says:

    I did a voice over once for a company! They made me do it over and over and over til they got it just right. Then, I was suprised at what I sound like to other people. Gee, my voice sounds a lot different inside my head...

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