Home > Electric bill

Electric bill

February 2nd, 2008 at 01:16 pm

I really expected last month's electric bill to be higher. We had a christmas party, so we had a big tree. Then my dh really put up a lot of christmas lights outside and we burned them every night up and including New Year's eve.
I was surprised when the bill came to less than $100. Since I budget $160, that gives me $60 left to add to my challenge money.
Prev. total $1847.00
today 60.00
new total $1907.00

Hmm, 1907. That was the year my mother was born!! A very long time ago.

1 Responses to “Electric bill”

  1. helpmefriend Says:

    I love when that happens. I was on the budget for my gas bill last year. When the year was up, all the extra money I paid in but didn't use gas for was credited to my account. Wow! It was worth it to pay an $85 in the summer to not have to pay at all in the winter.

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