Home > Dinner at home!!

Dinner at home!!

January 16th, 2008 at 08:39 pm

Most of you know that dh and I eat dinner out, almost every night except Sunday. It is just our form of entertainment!

Last night, he wanted to watch the Barrett Jackson auction, so we went to KFC and got a bucket of chicken. I had a coupon, so we got 10 pieces for $10. I made some rice and we had a nice dinner, with enough left overs for a couple of lunches.

Since I usually spend about $20 for dinner out and this time I spent $10, I will add the other $10 to my challenge money!!

Prev. total $1057.00
today 10.00
new total $1067.00

1 Responses to “Dinner at home!!”

  1. boomeyers Says:

    Wow! That is a headline! "Ima eats at home"!! Smile

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