Home > Another check

Another check

January 6th, 2008 at 07:25 pm

I received a check from Chase bank yesterday. It is for using my chase master card. It use to take me several months to get a check for $100 on my GM card, but Chase lets you redeem for $50 when you have 5000 points
The check was ordered last week, so it came pretty quickly.
I should have enough points when I get next months bill, to redeem the points again.
I love being paid back for charging. They pay back 3% on home repair and we use the card mainly at Home Depot for supplies for our customers.
This will be added to the challenge.
Prev. total $833.00
today 50.00
new total $883.00

4 Responses to “Another check”

  1. luxliving Says:

    Those Chase people are going to get tired of sending you $50 checks Ima!! I love it! Great that you can get rewarded well for doing what you were already doing anyway!! Big Grin
    Did you ever get your water woes cleared up??

  2. Ima saver Says:

    So far,so good on the water woes. We fixed the hot water heater, now we have to replace the upstairs toilet. DH is good at plumbing, thank goodness!

  3. Aleta Says:

    I also have chase and I love the rewards. It does right into my $20 savings challenge.

  4. CanadianSaver Says:

    Wow, that sounds like a great rewards program!

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