Home > My electric bill

My electric bill

January 1st, 2008 at 01:37 pm

I got my electric bill for the month. It was $70 under budget, so i am adding that to my challenge money.
Prev. total $ 538.00
today 70.00
new total $ 608.00

12 Responses to “My electric bill”

  1. Ralph Says:

    I was shocked to see how high mine is for winter since I have gas heat - $150! It was about the same as last December, which is a middling month on the bar graph they give you. I guess it's mainly from the length of the days since it seems to get progressively better from here on out. So since we already have a new frontloading washer (gas dryer so probably little impact), the 20 year old fridge is probably the biggest culprit (see disneysteve's post in the forums about old fridges being energy hogs).

    I like how the gas and electric bills naturally balance each other out, but I really though the winter electric was much lower! Granted, maybe a good bit of that is to run the furnace blower. I guess we need to stop leaving two computers running overnight for one thing.

  2. luxliving Says:

    Okay, Ima, you're blowing me out of the water at the gate!!!

    I've started w/45 CENTS this morning and you're already at $608??


    Big Grin
    Congrats on the low bills and here's to checks in the mail!!!

  3. Ima saver Says:

    Ralph, that is pretty high. I budget $160 a month since that is my highest bill ever. However, I do have a pretty big house, 3200 square feet, plus an extra garage with an efficency apartment in it.

  4. Ralph Says:

    OK Ima, now you've got me going. Our house is just 1800 square feet. We must have higher rates - I'll see what they are and post them. How new is your fridge?

  5. Ralph Says:

    ok, about 1000 kwhs at $.09 for $97, plus $57 in delivery charges.

  6. Ima saver Says:

    Our refrigerator is about 12 years old, plus we have a new one in the garage and a small one out in the efficency. Our rates are about 9 cents too! Where I save so much money is that I keep the hot water heater turned off unless we are taking a shower or running the dishwasher.

  7. Ralph Says:

    Dang, our water heater is gas also! Do you also have about 50% of the electric generation charge as a delivery charge?

  8. Ima saver Says:

    Don't turn off a gas water heater. No, we have no delivery charges.

  9. Ralph Says:

    We are getting soaked for $57! Ouch! I used to have our gas water heater turned down but I think the plumber that installed a new one said it's better to leave it at the recommended setting, or maybe I saw that on the Internet somewhere. I did like how before you were much less likely to get scalded or at least to get uncomfortably hot water.

  10. sagegirl Says:

    We just got our bill also--was $199.48. We have 1980 sq ft all electric. But, it is 2 story and we lose a lot of heat from gaps in doorways and tall ceilings. We are looking for ways to conserve/distribute the heat better.

  11. Ima saver Says:

    My house is two story with 22 foot ceilings in some rooms. We still manage to keep the bill under $100 except in the summer, cause I can't stand heat!

  12. CanadianSaver Says:

    That is an awesome saving!! WTG!

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