Home > budget day

budget day

December 3rd, 2007 at 04:07 pm

Monday is payday for us and also the day that I do my written budget. I use the very old envelope system and have for over 40 years. Hey, it works for me! so, I have already done my budget for the week.
I use to budget a small amount monthly for life insurance, then we decided we were just wasting the money, we can self insure dh. So, I now add that money to my challenge money, which i will do now.
Prev. total $25,762.00
today 70.00
new total $25,832.00

2 Responses to “budget day”

  1. terri77 Says:

    I've never tried it, but I know that the envelope system work. Obviously it has for you! I do my budget by year. I just completed my budget for 2008.

  2. Aleta Says:

    Ima: I don't actually do envelopes. I use a system that looks alot like envelopes. Thet are just sheets of papers that iists accounts.

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