Home > The wait is over

The wait is over

September 1st, 2007 at 12:06 pm

My best friend took her husband off the ventilator on Thursday afternoon. Friday morning, he passed away. It was such a peaceful death, I wish we could all go that way. I don't know what she will do next. She will probably continue working because she has to. They were never good with money. They just recently (last year) purchased their very first home but it was a bargain at $86,000.

3 Responses to “The wait is over”

  1. Aleta Says:

    Sorry to hear of your friend's death of the husband. Does she live close to you? I'm glad that it was a peaceful death.

  2. Ima saver Says:

    No, she lives in another state.

  3. Nic Says:

    Sorry to hear this tho I'm glad it was peaceful. At least they had a chance to live in their new home. Hopefully, his wife will be ok financially.

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