Home > splurged


August 14th, 2007 at 02:19 pm

Yes, I splurged. I have not bought a pair of shoes in 3 or 4 years. I am going to Gatlinburg in Sept. and to my class reunion in florida in October. So, I ordered a new pair of shoes from J.C. Penny. They were $10 off and under $40. I also realized I only have about one decent pair of shorts.
There is no place to buy shorts in August around here. They are getting rid of the summer stuff. So I ordered a new pair from QVC, denium and company for those who order from QVC. I would really like a black pair, but they were sold out. Then I splurged and got my dh a few new short sleeved shirts from Penny's. All in all I spent close to about $100, but we really needed these things.
Well, the braves didn't play, the dow went down, I did not walk or do stairs yesterday (I played bridge), so no money for the challenge there.
However, I am not making a liquor run to Murphy, N.C., so that is about $6 in gas that I am saving.
I will add that to my challenge money.
Prev. total $16,472.00
today 6.00
new total $16,478.00

1 Responses to “splurged”

  1. rob62521 Says:

    I don't think you splurged on your sounds like you replaced what you had that was worn out. Nothing wrong with that!

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