Home > Living below your means

Living below your means

August 10th, 2007 at 01:26 pm

I was reading an article about living below your means.
Start talking to yourself. Whenever you are faced with a desire to spend, STOP and ask yourself:
Can I afford it?
Do I really need it?
Do I need it now?
Do I have something like it already?
Can I find a cheaper substitue?
Is this the best deal?

Now, go home and sleep on it. Tomorrow you will probably change your mind!!

2 Responses to “Living below your means”

  1. annab Says:

    Great advice!

  2. Aleta Says:

    I've been trying to practice that lately. I think that most of our purchases are probably impulsive buys. There are times that unexpected sales are there that we didn't know about and then we can stack up. That's different. I'm spending less than I used to.

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