Home > It's a good day!!

It's a good day!!

August 6th, 2007 at 09:22 pm

Today was a great day! The braves won their game last night! The stock market went up a lot today! I got to play bridge today and never went set!!
What more could anyone ask for?

I will add $2 to my challenge fund.
Prev. total $16,232.00
today 2.00
new total $16,234.00

2 Responses to “It's a good day!!”

  1. boomeyers Says:

    Is'nt it amazing the stock market went back up just the amount it went down on Friday. What, did everyone by their stocks back?? Smile

  2. Aleta Says:

    Actually boomeyers, alot of us bought (on sale) what the others sold off and of course, many would like to buy in now.

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