Home > Candy on sale!!

Candy on sale!!

August 6th, 2007 at 04:32 pm

Today has been busy. First we had dinner at friends last night and did not get home til after midnight. So, I overslept until 9:30.
Today is pay day and bridge day, so I had to get to the bank and post office early. I reminded myself that I am all out of sugar free candy and need to get some.
However, I didn't think of that when I left the house and I took my little Holly dog with me. So into, the drug store she went with me cause I will not ever leave a dog in a hot car no matter what.
She was the hit of the store. The hit for me was discovering that my sugar free candy was on sale, 70 cents a bag off. I got 5 bags (some for dh too) and saved over $3 which I will add to my challenge money.
Prev. total $16,229.00
today 3.00
new total $16,232.00

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