Home > A skunk!!

A skunk!!

August 3rd, 2007 at 11:44 am

Oh my gosh. There was a skunk in our yard yesterday. I have to admit, I have only seen skunks in the road, run over. This one seemed to be playing in a pile of grass clippings. It was rolling all over for about 20 minutes while Holly and I watched, from inside.
I would love to have gone outside and gotten closer but I was kind of nervous of what might happen if I did. Holly did some serious barking at the skunk, but he/she did not seem to mind.

5 Responses to “A skunk!!”

  1. fern Says:

    Skunks are near-sighted, so they won't bother you if you don't approach too closely (I would keep a 25 foot distance).

    They also are sensitive to sunlight, so you'll mostly seem them on cloudy or overcast days, or at dusk.

    There was an old fella who lived somewhere near or on my property a few years back. I felt sorry for him because he walked on 3 legs; one forepaw was curled up and useless. I don't know what happened, but i would sometimes throw raisins and walnuts down from my 2nd story window as he foraged on my back patio in the snow. Must've seemed to him like manna from heaven.

  2. frugalhousewife Says:

    I think I must be in the minority of people who like skunks. Several weeks ago I saw a mama skunk out with her babies. They were too cute - from a distance of course!

  3. fern Says:

    I saw the same thing a few years ago in my backyard, frugalhousewife. It was a mother skunk and about 6 babies were clinging to her sides as she waddled down into the yard.

    They say the yellower the stripe the older the skunk.

  4. Ima saver Says:

    I like skunks too, I think they would make a great pet if they were de skunked!!

  5. LuckyRobin Says:

    I think skunks are beautiful, just definitely from across the yard. When I was a kid my sister's dog tangled with a skunk and that was enough to convince me that across the yard is just fine, LOL. Poor dog, smelled like tomato sauce for days. Better than smelling like skunk for days I suppose.

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