Home > Wow the Dow!!

Wow the Dow!!

July 12th, 2007 at 07:05 pm

Is anyone watching the Dow?? Right now it is hitting an all time high!!

6 Responses to “Wow the Dow!!”

  1. Lau Says:

    As of right now (3:30pm), it's at 229.80... Wow, I didn't even notice

  2. Ima saver Says:

    Up 258 points right now!!

  3. baselle Says:

    And all my stocks went up a lot today. Paper profits though Wink

  4. monkeymama Says:

    I almost fell over when I just logged in and saw how high the DOW was. Good day for stocks.

  5. nance Says:

    I bet a lot of people will be cashing in tomorrow, so don't spend those "profits" yet. It is great looking at the gains, while we can though.

  6. boomeyers Says:

    Yep! I told my husband - "We're rich..... today."

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