Home > Edward Jones statement

Edward Jones statement

July 11th, 2007 at 02:34 pm

When I first started investing, I did so in mutual funds. I did a lot of reading and did my own investing. After several years of that, I decided to invest in stocks. The Edward Jones company had recently moved in our little town, so I used them for investing. (I know that is way too expensive but it was the only way I knew how at the time. No computer use either)
Most of my stocks have not done that well. I started just in time to hit the big crash in 2000-2001.
However, I still have them thru Edward Jones, but I also have joined some DRIP plans.
I got my statement from Edward Jones yesterday and noticed that I have over $140 sitting in their money market fund. I sent them a note asking for a check. I am sure their money market pays less than 1% and I can get 5% in my money market, so when that check comes, I will add it to my challenge money!

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