Home > Party went well

Party went well

July 9th, 2007 at 02:41 pm

Our little party-cook out, went well last night. We sat out over the creek for about an hour. The two kids went wading in the creek and they went so far upstream we got worried. finally, they came back.
When you live in Florida, you don't see creeks very often.
As usual, my husband cooked way too much food. He cooked hot dogs and brats for 8 people and we have enough to eat for the rest of the week, easily.
We had a little scare when my puppy jumped off a chair, landed wrong and limped for a while. However, she seems fine now. I thought we might have to make an emergency trip to the vets.
Guess I will have a burger for lunch before my bridge gals get here.

2 Responses to “Party went well”

  1. Aleta Says:

    Sounds like your party was successful and for the most part enjoyable.

  2. boomeyers Says:

    Glad Holly is okay!
    Enjoy those leftovers! Makes "what to eat?" easy to answer!

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