Home > Gated communities

Gated communities

July 6th, 2007 at 03:23 pm

WE are having a heated discussion on the other forum that I am on, about gated communities.
Most of the local members think that anyone who lives in a gated community is a rich snob.
What do you think? We have stone walls at the entrance to our subdivision but no gate. I have a very nice house worth over a half million, but I certainly don't think I am a rich snob.

Oh well, it is time to add to my challenge money. The braves won and I walked a mile, that add $2, plus I have my Ridge money of $165.00
Prev. total $13,472.00
today 167.00
ne total $13,639.00

13 Responses to “Gated communities”

  1. Brooklyn girl Says:

    Is this an adult community (that is a whole separate discussion).

    As for gaited community -- depends. If there is a good reason for it, such as crime in the outlying areas, I can understand it.

    If this is to keep others off your beach and such... than they are rich snobs.

  2. greyroma Says:

    I don't think you're a snob unless you act like it and by that I mean flaunt your money around. I live in a nice neighborhood(not gated)and I have over half a millon in stocks, etc.but none of my friends know that and they never will because many of my friends don't have that kind of money. I clip coupons and spend money very carefully and I have experienced hard times so I know what its like to be poor.

  3. Ima saver Says:

    I don't know if it is all adult or what. We have no beaches around here, I live in the mountains! I clip coupons and spend money carefully also. I wear $20 jeans from wal marts and have never had my hair or nails done. I grew up poor too. I still like nice houses.

  4. D Says:

    Evidently, they are mis-informed. I live in a gated community. We are actually a private communtiy with a private lake. And although we have the gates, they are generally open unless it is halloween or some other highly active "kid" day. At which time visitors without passes would have to disclose where they are going to etc.

    I can tell you we are far from snob level. Or are we? I know plenty of poor to middle class that think they are "better" then others. Some in my neighbor and some not.

  5. Melissa Says:

    I don't think that it's right to sterotype someone based off of where they live. When I lived in Vegas, apartments were gated. It was strictly a security issue so everyone had gates. While in Salt Lake, only the very wealthy have gates. But even in that instance, they are necessarily the snobby ones. Ironically, the most stuck up people I've encountered are ones in my new neighborhood... they think they're "special" for having their own lake and think they fall in the elite category which I don't place myself in! Being a snob has to do with the character of that person, not where they live or how they live for that matter!

  6. Broken Arrow Says:

    Haha, I don't mean to add heat to this already heated discussion but....

    First of all, I'm not a proponent of gated community. It's not the fact that it's gated that bothers me. It's the fact that it creates a psychological division between the inside and the outside that concerns me.

    You see, from a tactical point-of-view, those gates will do very little to deter criminals bent on raiding such communities.

    So, the only thing gates serves then, is to provide some supposed "peace of mind" that exists only in the owner's mind. Developers can then charge much more to entice those who can afford it. Developers also know that their target market is the higher end folks, and will usually stock gated communities with nicer than average amenities as part of the draw.

    I suppose I have nothing against anyone who wants to live in such a community. It's just that the supposed "security from the outside world" is more imagined than real, and people end up paying extra for what's not there. On the other hand, if you just like the place and don't mind paying more, than more power to you. Nothing wrong with that.

    But I don't personally care for though, is snobbery. Personally, I think that is more of a (misplaced) state of mind than whether your community has gates or not. In that sense, you just think you're somehow better than others, and I don't care for people like that.

  7. fern Says:

    I never liked the idea of gated communities because by definition they suggest there is someone to keep out.

    If the gates are there due to crime, i sure wouldn't want to live there anyway.

  8. monkeymama Says:

    I live right outside a gated community and no not everyone is a rich snob. Actually quite the contrary. (Though I will admit there are a few - LOL).

    The thing that REALLY bugs me is we bought right outside because it was cheaper and the gates bug us. We live in a high crime area but the thing is the gates do NOTHING. For the first couple of years they had to leave them open during the day which is when most burglaries take place anyway (everyone is off at work). They finally got the gates closed but I know every gate code living in the area and having friends in the gates. (5 or 6 different communities?) we get letters and e-mails all the time not to share gate codes, but they get out pretty easy.

    Plus all you have to do is drive in behind someone (VERY easy to do) to get in.

    For the most part dh and I find them a joke, an illusion, a waste of money. Our neighbors want to gate our neighborhood and we think they are insane.

    Believe me the million-dollar homes inside the gate have far more crime than our measly houses outside the gate. They have more wealth to steal. It is no harder to commit a crime because of the gates.

    Anyway, stereotypes are stereotypes and I take offense because I like a nice house too. So what? we get a lot of judgements, but whatever. But I have to agree 1/2 the time that dh and I are like what the hell are the people inside the gate THINKING? They relaly put their guard down. There is always great *shock* when a crime occurs within the gates and word gets out. On the other hand, not all of them bought because of the gates. I would have easily bought a house inside the gates because they are nice homes. Most nice homes around here come with gates. Just because one buys such a home doesn't mean they fall into it all.

  9. Ima saver Says:

    Well, I don't live in a gated community, but I do not "put down" anyone that does.

  10. LuckyRobin Says:

    We live in a community that only has one entrance in and out, but no gate. It has maybe 100 houses in it. It also has a big clubhouse with a swimming pool, tennis courts, and what used to be a golf course, but will now become a housing development with parks, possibly a new school and ball fields. Know what they call this? They call it a country club. Okay, we are out in the country and you have to live in the development so its kind of clubbie, but anyone in the area can buy a pass to use the pool. The little road to the country club does have a gate and is kept closed after dark.

    I think you can find snobbery anywhere you live. We live in a formerly depressed area that is starting to come into a little money. There are several divisions out here. 2 of the divisions are "PV" and 9 of the divisions are "P," and I hear people say they are so glad they live in "PV" instead of in "P" divisons all the time.

    Now, I live in "PV" but it is nearly the same as all the "P" divisions, the only real difference being the clubhouse and that if you don't have a stick built house you must have at least a doublewide manufactured, non-aluminum home or a log cabin. P lets people put in single wide aluminum, which looks a little strange next to a two story $250,000 stick built home. Aside from this aesthetic thing, there is really no difference. But people choose to make it a difference.

    It's not the gate. It's the people.

  11. reflectionite Says:

    would they call someone who lives in an apartment with a doorman a snob? or even one of those buzzers where you have to let the visitors in?
    really people should be worrying about those killing endangered species, global warming, children with aids, civilian casualties in wars, child abuse, homeless, water shortages, bushfires, people living with terminal illnesses and poverty.

    is all the heated discussion on a gated community really worth being worked up about? there's a bigger picture. if someone has worked hard to get where they are, and they have decided to live on a block of land in an area that has either a gate or a fence around it, then really that's their choice isn't it? and if they don't see that there are differnt types of individuals living in that particular area then they are, really, blind. not everyone is a snob because of where they live. ima saver: well already we know you worked hard to get where you are, and im sure there are other poeple in your area who are the same, and many people in the 'gated communities' who are. personally i have dealt with people living in gated communities as i work in a flooring busienss, and truly everyone is different but for the most part they are individuals who have worked hard to get where they are. most of the rich snobs live in the city and drive flashy cars, parking in No Standing sections and talk on their mobile phones while being served in restaurants!

  12. princessperky Says:

    Ditto BA that the gate is just an illusion of safety...or worse an advertisement that something is worth stealing inside.....

    I figure criminals are a bit like big kids....locks, gates, ect are just a challenge, and nothing like a good challenge to use that brain that has been suffering from lack of stimulation most of it's life.

    But no I wouldn't classifly all whole live in one snobs (or stupid, or even all as having misplaced faith in the gate...betcha some know just how useless it is, and like the house/pool whatever)

  13. lisa Says:

    If a community is gated I think they then should have to pay their own road repair. Why should tax dollars be used for a private pupose. Same goes with street lights..they should foot that bill too.

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