Home > Well, the check came!!

Well, the check came!!

June 7th, 2007 at 09:53 pm

Finally, the check from one of our customers came. We get the money in draws to build a custom house. Most customers are sooooooooo slow. I mailed them the paid bills with their balance total on may 28th. By the time, I get the check, I usually need more money!! Oh well, I walked 2 miles and did 20 flights of stairs, so I have $3 to add to my challenge money.
prev. total $11,781.00
today 3.00
new total $11,784.00

2 Responses to “Well, the check came!!”

  1. D Says:

    We only have 1 slow payer that we consistantly build for. I have learned to include a percentage for his time frames.

    I love the notes - the guy has a boat load of family money and he will send us a partial payment saying "I'll get you the rest when a CD comes up". I always feel like reminding him we are covering his expenses interest free. But I don't I just increase his bill and then I'm okay. :-)

  2. rob62521 Says:

    I don't understand why people think others should shoulder their financial burden. If they owe you money, they should pay it when it due.

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