Home > Ran out of alumimum foil.

Ran out of alumimum foil.

June 4th, 2007 at 02:33 pm

Last night, i ran out of alumimum foil and glad wrap too.
I just went into the pantry and got two new rolls.
That made me think. When I was young and newly married, if I ran out of something, that was it. I was out, completely.
It took many years before I could stockpile and always have 2 of the same item.
I started early, with the envelope method and no one showed me what to do.
I allowed myself $12 a week for grocery money and that included $2 for a cartoon of cigarettes. I added up my groceries as I picked them up, and when I neared $12, I stopped.
That was eating all dinners at home.

I am glad the budget is not as strict anymore. Of course, I only made $1 an hour back then. I am happy to say that I still managed to save at least $15 a week, which I used for a down payment on my new house.

4 Responses to “Ran out of alumimum foil.”

  1. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    So you worked about 12 hours for your groceries + cigarettes. And about 15 hours for your savings. I'm guessing you worked 35-40 hours per week. Do you know where the rest of your dollars went back then? Rent, utilities, and transportation, I suppose. Does that $1 per hour include your tips?

  2. Ima saver Says:

    I wasn't a waitress then, so I made no tips. I paid $65 a month in rent, $60 a month on our one car. The electric bill was about $15 and the telephone was $5 a month. It cost about $12 a month for heat. The only thing I paid for (on credit) was my engagement ring and I paid $15 a month on that.
    I worked 45 hours a week at a newspaper office.

  3. disneysteve Says:

    I wonder if that history has anything to do with why you now prefer to eat out everyday. Because you can.

  4. Don B Says:

    My wife and I started on the "envelope" system 24 years ago and still use it to this day. At least now when the envelope runs out, there's some backup money in the bank for something we really need. It's very easy to track true inflation over the years by how much more we now need in each envelope every two weeks - especially the "gas money" (of course, having acquired a taste for good wine instead of jug wine has also had something to do with it).

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